Offices & Departments Directory

Human Resources

Embark on your career journey at Seattle University - a place where innovation meets humanity! We are dedicated to attracting and retaining top talent, cultivating a workplace culture where excellence thrives, and ensuring SU is a best place to work.

  • 206-296-5870
  • 1313 E. Columbia Street (Or 901 12th Ave for mailing), Seattle, WA 98122
  • Mon - Fri 8AM - 4:30PM, Closed 12PM-1PM daily for lunch. Appointments are encouraged but in-person visits are always welcome.

Information Technology Services

IT Services supports the Seattle University community by managing campus technology, assisting campus users with all hardware and software needs, and engaging with community partners. Guided by our Jesuit tradition, we strive to provide innovative and compassionate service.

Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture

The Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture creates opportunities that provide a Catholic lens to ongoing conversations especially relevant to our local community and our world today. With the institute as its academic nucleus, the university will examine its Catholic heritage with heightened intentionality and vigor.